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National Aeronautics and Space Administration

Goddard Space Flight Center


Fire Energetics and Emissions Research

FEER Updates


20.Feb.2019 - VIIRS active fire data available as VNPFIRE product.

12.Feb.2019 - FEERv1.0 Emissions processing stream fixed.

08.Feb.2019 - MODFIRE processing stream fixed.

31.Jul.2018 - Suomi-NPP VIIRS fire data added to Africa Explorer.

FRP-Based Smoke Emission Coefficients


Smoke emissions have long been quantified after-the-fact by multiplication of burned area, biomass density, fraction of above-ground biomass, and burn efficiency. A new algorithm has been developed, as originally suggested in Ichoku & Kaufman (2005), for use in calculating smoke emissions directly from fire radiative power (FRP) measurements such that the latency and uncertainty associated with the previously listed variables are avoided. Application of this new, simpler and more direct algorithm is automatic, based only on a fire's FRP measurement and a predetermined coefficient of smoke emission for a given location. Deriving accurate coefficients of smoke emission is therefore critical to the success of this algorithm. In the aforementioned paper, an initial effort was made to derive coefficients of smoke emission for different large regions of interest using calculations of smoke emission rates from MODIS FRP and aerosol optical depth (AOD) measurements. Further work has resulted in a first version of a 1×1° resolution map of these coefficients, called the FEER Ce v1.0 product. Emissions can be calculated for a given region and time period (with a sufficient time-step) as the product between the time-integrated FRP and smoke emission coefficients.

The Algorithm

The basic premise fueling the creation of this algorithm is that smoke emission from a fire can be determined directly from its FRP and a coefficient of emission, Ce, which can be determined from a linear relationship between FRP and the rate of smoke emission, Rsa. Rsa is calculated as the total smoke aerosol mass, Msa, over the time, T, it takes the smoke to clear the designated area. Msa is estimated from surrounding AOD550 values from the MODIS 10km MOD04_L2 product, and T is estimated using pixel geometry and 850mbar wind speed data from MERRA’s 1.25×1.25° resolution “inst3_3d_asm_Cp” product. The updated algorithm is described in detail in Ichoku & Ellison (2013), which expands on its predecessor by using wind direction as well to more accurately determine AOD associated with the plume, and to determine if there is an influx of smoke generated elsewhere into the vicinity of the fire under consideration. Wind magnitudes are also used in conjunction with relative fire locations within an aerosol pixel to improve values of T. Rsa and preceding parameters are also calculated on a per-pixel basis and therefore theoretically reduce the uncertainty in estimating these parameters on a much larger scale.

Data Product

The coefficient of smoke emission data product has been finalized and released as of August 22, 2013. The data product is available under the Data section. See the Presentations section below for some initial plots showing the extent and look of this product and an example of its application to deriving smoke emissions over northern sub-Saharan Africa.

Supporting Documents

AGU 2014 Fall Meeting
Evaluation of the FEERv1.0 Global Top-Down Biomass Burning Emissions Inventory over Africa

AGU 2012 Fall Meeting
An Overview of the New FEER Smoke Emissions Product and Its Applications over Northern Sub-Saharan Africa

EPA 2012 International Emission Inventory Conference
Derivation of a New Smoke Emissions Inventory using Remote Sensing, and Its Implications for Near Real-Time Air Quality Applications
[poster, proceedings paper]

AGU 2011 Fall Meeting
Enhancements in Deriving Smoke Emission Coefficients from Fire Radiative Power Measurements


Ellison, L., and Ichoku, C. (2013). FEER Coefficient of Emission (Ce) Product User Manual (User Guide). (L. Ellison and C. Ichoku, Eds.) (1.0.). Retrieved from

Ellison, L., and Ichoku, C. (2015). FEER Coefficient of Emission (Ce) Product User Manual (User Guides). (L. Ellison, Ed.) (1.0rA.). Retrieved from

Freeborn, P. H., Wooster, M. J., Hao, W. M., Ryan, C. a., Nordgren, B. L., Baker, S. P., and Ichoku, C. (2008). Relationships between energy release, fuel mass loss, and trace gas and aerosol emissions during laboratory biomass fires. Journal of Geophysical Research, 113(D1), D01301. doi:10.1029/2007JD008679

Henderson, S. B., Ichoku, C., Burkholder, B. J., Brauer, M., and Jackson, P. L. (2010). The validity and utility of MODIS data for simple estimation of area burned and aerosols emitted by wildfire events. International Journal of Wildland Fire, 19(7), 844. doi:10.1071/WF09027

Ichoku, C., and Ellison, L. (2014). Global top-down smoke-aerosol emissions estimation using satellite fire radiative power measurements. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 14(13), 6643–6667. doi:10.5194/acp-14-6643-2014

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Ichoku, C., and Kaufman, Y. J. (2005). A method to derive smoke emission rates from MODIS fire radiative energy measurements. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 43(11), 2636–2649. doi:10.1109/TGRS.2005.857328

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Jordan, N. S., Ichoku, C., and Hoff, R. M. (2008). Estimating smoke emissions over the US Southern Great Plains using MODIS fire radiative power and aerosol observations. Atmospheric Environment, 42(9), 2007–2022. doi:10.1016/j.atmosenv.2007.12.023

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Schroeder, W., Ellicott, E., Ichoku, C., Ellison, L., Dickinson, M. B., Ottmar, R. D., … Kremens, R. (2014). Integrated active fire retrievals and biomass burning emissions using complementary near-coincident ground, airborne and spaceborne sensor data. Remote Sensing of Environment, 140, 719–730. doi:10.1016/j.rse.2013.10.010

Wang, J., Yue, Y., Wang, Y., Ichoku, C., Ellison, L., and Zeng, J. (2018). Mitigating Satellite-Based Fire Sampling Limitations in Deriving Biomass Burning Emission Rates: Application to WRF-Chem Model Over the Northern sub-Saharan African Region. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 123(1), 507–528. doi:10.1002/2017JD026840


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